Social Media Addiction

Silhouette Pal
2 min readApr 19, 2021


We all have 24 hours a day, but this number is seemingly insufficient for most people, as they tend to have so much to keep up on Social Media.

They know that the world never stops spinning; therefore, they never stop scroll down their phone to keep pace with news and other people’s interest. This tiring behavior, which is so-called FOMO, is now gaining more and more popularity. But why? Why do people drain their energy on things leading to the opposite way of healthy life? Easy as it may seem, we are born with this fixed trait.

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy, every one of us has five categories of needs. Those are Physiological Needs, Safety, Love&Belonging, Esteem, and lastly, Self-Actualization. Concerning today’s topic, we will explore more about Esteem, as it potentially leads to social addiction.

Esteem is ranked 4th of Maslow’s Hierarchy. It states that we want to acquire the skills that lead to honor and recognition and that we all want to be accepted by our society. So, unsurprisingly, we want to be perfect in every aspect of life. To illustrate, we keep up with all the trends to always look chic and up-to-date, and we work hard to be a so-called sophisticated person.

In respect of this theory, I must say that social media addiction is one way to fulfill this innate need, so I will not blame anyone for it. I only hope we keep this as a reminder that we are enough, and there is nothing wrong with lacking some meaningless information.

